Pros and Cons of a Charitable Trust

Charitable trusts are so powerful, we sometimes call them “give it twice” trusts. But while they mean a huge gift to charity and a tax-efficient income stream to loved ones (or you!), they’re not without some caveats.
5 Ways to Be More Intentional With Your Legacy

Here’s what to ask a nonprofit before making a major gift. But if you’ve done your due diligence, giving during life can be an amazing way to make a difference–and you’ll get to witness it! This can also help your heirs understand your values and giving priorities, and inspire them to be more generous themselves.
7 Charitable Giving Tools (And Who Should Consider Them)

Our focus is on legacy planning…but we’re always helping donors identify the most effective ways to give charitably–starting now! There are CRUTs and CRATs and DAFs and ILITs and QCDs, and while we’ve just scratched the surface of the many charitable giving tools out there, all the acronyms can seem like alphabet soup. If you’re just wanting an overview, here’s a crash course on the most common giving vehicles…and when they might be a good fit.
7 Questions to Ask a Nonprofit Before Making a Major Gift

Before clients make their charitable intentions official, we encourage them to do a little research on and ask a few questions about the organizations they want to remember with a bequest or other planned gift.
6 Non-Cash Giving Strategies

We often share that 91 percent of an average American’s estate is made up of non-cash assets like real estate, retirement funds, stocks, securities, or business- or farm-related goods. It’s […]
Things to Know Before Setting Up a Trust

What is a trust, and how does it work with a legacy plan? Where does a will fit in? These are all powerful documents, and it’s important to understand how […]
Top 5 Tax-Effective Ways to Give at Year-End

As you begin to make year-end giving decisions, you might wonder how to make the biggest bang with your philanthropic buck. Here are some ideas for giving in a big way, even without impacting your day-to-day cashflow.
Plan (and Fund) Your Own Funeral As a Gift to Your Family

When you make key decisions about how you want to be remembered, you’ll make it the celebration you want while eliminating a significant burden for your family.
Legacy and Estate Planning Basics

We function as third-party consultants, “sitting in the middle” with clients as they create a legacy plan that celebrates their values and what makes them unique, while maximizing how they’re […]
Non-Cash Gifts: The Future of Philanthropy

Did you know that less than 10% of America’s wealth is held in cash? It’s true. Most of our assets are things like real estate, retirement accounts, and stock portfolios. […]