What is a Will vs. What is a Trust?

I know we throw around the words “will” and “trust” all the time, and sometimes it can be hard to keep them straight. Here’s a basic overview of what a will is, what a trust is, how they’re different, and which might benefit your family.
How will people talk about you when you’re gone?

Christy wears a lot of hats at Apex, and no two days are the same. Here she shares why she loves this work and how she thinks about “legacy.”
Top Financial Decisions for Recent College Grads

Nearly one-third (32%) of college students reported that COVID-19 had made their families more stressed out financially. Nineteen percent expected to take out more student debt than they had originally planned. One in 10 lost a job due to the pandemic, while 16% had reduced work hours.
How to Write an Estate Plan Preamble

The preamble to the Constitution is probably one of the most quoted parts of the document that’s so foundational to our nation. The Constitution, just like a Will or estate plan, is full of nuts and bolts. It gives instructions for how our country is to operate at a practical level. And while things are added as significant court cases are decided, it’s remained largely untouched in the centuries since the United States was founded. In the same way, a Will contains a lot of nuts and bolts about how an estate is to be handled and distributed.
Think Outside the Box: Creative Ways to Support Charity

In our work, we meet with very diverse families, of all means and lifestyles. As we help them consider all the ways they can support the causes they love, sometimes the options surprise people. Here are a few non-cash ways to support charity through your estate.
How to Tell a Nonprofit You’re Leaving a Legacy Gift

You want your favorite nonprofits to be able to plan for your future gift, but you don’t want to be treated weirdly in the meantime. Here’s a primer on how to bring them up to speed—and what to expect in return.
What Are Charitable Trusts?

A charitable lead trust is an irrevocable trust designed to provide financial support to one or more charities for a period of time, with the remaining assets eventually going to family members or other beneficiaries.
So You Have a Legacy Plan. Now What?

A legacy plan usually takes a lot of time and intentionality to put in place. If you’ve finished a plan, congratulations! But you’re never quite done. Here are some easy steps to take, once a plan is in place, to communicate your wishes and keep everything current.
Estate Planning Moves to Make at Any Age

No two lives are the same, so no two estate plans are the same. But there are some estate planning steps to take each decade of your life to ensure your bases are covered and your loved ones are cared for. Here we break it down!
Does Your Legacy Plan Include Digital Assets?

So much of our lives are online now, making it more critical than ever to consider your digital assets when creating a legacy plan. Check out these four easy steps to getting your digital assets in order.